AI Chat Bestie

ChatGPT 0 users


Enhanced chatbot communication via searchable history.
AI Chat Bestie is a top-notch user interface tool that enhances the functionality of ChatGPT. This tool facilitates faster response times, searchable chat history, and always-available chat histories. By connecting directly to the OpenAI API, it bypasses slow typing animations and delivers quicker responses. The chat histories are conveniently stored locally within the browser, enabling easy access anytime without requiring separate registration.

One of the major benefits of AI Chat Bestie is that it ensures privacy and data reliability with its browser-only storage feature. Users can upgrade their experience by joining the AI Chat Bestie Discord channel. For more information about the tool, users can check out their Github and other social media handles. The best part? It is completely free to use! Users can bring their own API keys or obtain a free one from OpenAI.

In summary, AI Chat Bestie is an advanced UI tool that enhances ChatGPT by providing faster response times and various chat functionalities. It also prioritizes privacy and reliability, making it an excellent choice for users who value these aspects.



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Published March 13, 2023
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