AI photo sorter

Image sorting 1 users


Organized photos with deleted duplicates via web app.
The AI Photo Sorter is a powerful web application that helps you organize your photo collections quickly and securely. With the help of advanced neural networks, it creates custom classes and eliminates duplicate files, ensuring that your photos are well-organized and clutter-free.

Unlike other photo organizing tools, the AI Photo Sorter prioritizes your privacy. It processes your images locally on your computer, eliminating the need to upload them to a remote server. This means that your photos remain safe and secure, and you can have complete peace of mind knowing that your data is protected.

The AI Photo Sorter is easy to use. You can adjust the power of the AI and control how many CPU cores are used to process your photos. You can load your photos by simply dragging and dropping them into the application or clicking on the upload box.

With the AI Photo Sorter, you can create custom classes by scrolling through your photos, and you can refine your list later. Once you click the "Process" button, the AI takes over, sorting your photos into appropriate classes and identifying duplicate files.

You can review the results, mark photos for deletion, rename, add or delete classes before re-running the processing. The AI Photo Sorter generates a script that can be run on your computer to delete unwanted photos and move the remaining images into appropriate folders.

It's essential to note that the script assumes that all your photos are in the same folder. If you have images in different folders, you may need to modify the script. Overall, the AI Photo Sorter is a streamlined and user-friendly tool that uses advanced AI technology to help you organize your photo collection efficiently.



Published April 3, 2023
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