
Music creation 0 users


Created unique and free royalty music.
AIbstract is a cutting-edge software solution that uses advanced Artificial Intelligence technology to offer users the unique services of a virtual songwriter, composer, and performer. This platform empowers users to effortlessly generate and stream personalized original music, without requiring any prior musical knowledge or experience. From idea formulation to music release, AIbstract's intuitive interface guides users through the entire process, ensuring that the end result is a truly unique work of art that meets their specific requirements.

With AIbstract, users can easily express their musical needs and preferences using simple and accessible methods. This platform can be seamlessly integrated with any existing software environment, allowing users to access innovative musical features and even automatically collect inputs. Additionally, AIbstract provides a cloud-based solution that can be accessed from any device, with a range of features and pricing plans to meet the diverse needs of musicians and music enthusiasts alike.

Unlike other platforms, AIbstract allows users to freely use, share, and even commercially exploit the music generated via its platform, without claiming any intellectual property rights over the works created. This ensures that users can fully realize the potential of their creative output, without any restrictions or limitations.

AIbstract is supported by a team of experienced and multidisciplinary experts, who are dedicated to providing the highest level of service and support to users. If you're interested in discovering the limitless possibilities of AI-generated music, look no further than AIbstract.



Published January 25, 2023
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