
Recipes 0 users


Personalized recipe creator with food tags.
Introducing AI Chef - a groundbreaking tool powered by AI that enables users to create customized recipes based on their dietary preferences. With a vast selection of cuisines to choose from, including Mexican, Italian, Sushi, Greek, Spanish, German, Chinese, and Korean, users can enjoy a diverse range of delicious meals.

AI Chef goes beyond basic recipe creation by allowing users to set their macronutrient goals, making it easier to maintain a healthy diet. Moreover, users have the flexibility to personalize their recipes by selecting the main ingredients and omitting any unwanted ones.

Once the recipe is generated, users can adjust the serving size to suit their needs. AI Chef also enables users to purchase credits to share their recipes with others or delete them entirely.

With AI Chef, users can break away from mundane diets and concoct recipes that cater to their individual dietary requirements and aspirations. Try AI Chef today to experience the ultimate recipe creation tool.



Published February 18, 2023
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