
Crypto market analysis 0 users


Real-time brand predictions for Web 3.0.
Ojamu is an innovative platform that uses AI and blockchain technology to help brands enhance their digital strategies and achieve success in the rapidly evolving Web 3.0 economy. Ojamu offers two primary products: the B2B Intelligence Platform and the B2C Alpha Finder. With the B2B Intelligence Platform, brands can automate their product marketing and explore new revenue streams in NFT blockchain gaming and the metaverse ecosystem. This platform utilizes advanced AI and machine learning algorithms to optimize brand awareness, user acquisition, and retention. 

The B2C Alpha Finder is an AI-powered chatbot that searches through Web2 and Web3 social channels and communities to offer users in-depth insights and real-time data on the latest cryptocurrency trends. The chatbot adapts to new and high-traffic channels to consistently provide the latest and most valuable information. Ojamu's platform unlocks Web3 revenue streams by using real-time data to forecast optimal product placement and identify connections between Web2 and Web3 user behavior. Additionally, Ojamu provides spam bot detection, Web3 campaign automation, and NFT access through its OJA tokens. 

Trusted by various blockchain companies and founders, Ojamu has established partnerships with well-known firms in the industry. With Ojamu, brands can stay ahead of the curve in the Web 3.0 economy and achieve their digital marketing objectives.



Published March 21, 2023
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