A.V. Mapping

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Film platform with music search, editing, and licensing.
A.V. Mapping is an innovative platform that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to simplify the music licensing process for filmmakers. This groundbreaking platform is capable of accelerating the traditional music searching and audio editing process by an impressive 2000 times, resulting in significant time and cost savings for users. 

A.V. Mapping offers a one-stop solution for AI music-for-video searching, mapping, and licensing, making it an invaluable tool for filmmakers who want to streamline their creative process. The platform's patented AI algorithm uses 14 different AI models to analyze video and music content, including storyboards, plots, emotions, actions, text, musical emotions, speed, and genre. This allows it to recommend the most suitable music for any given video.

In addition to its core functionality, A.V. Mapping also offers a range of advanced features, such as 1-on-1 AI service and APIs for software and hardware platforms. The platform also boasts a document management system that allows users to upload file information, manage shared information, and access offline services.

A.V. Mapping provides users with a wide range of customization options, including the ability to create custom film music and sound editing mixers, as well as showcase concerts and competitions in the Web 3.0 metaverse. The platform also offers a suite of powerful AI tools for video analysis, text analysis, music analysis, face detection, auto storyboard cutting, photo/image analysis, color card analysis, noise reduction, sound effects, AI design, and pro audio editing development.

Thanks to its exceptional convenience and efficiency, A.V. Mapping has been widely praised by top filmmakers and industry publications, including the FAIM festival, Best Film filmmakers, Frinny Lee/Music Studio CNA 中央通訊社, and Digital Journal. In fact, the platform was even named the winner of the prestigious 2020 Red Dot award.



Published November 13, 2021
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