Be My Eyes

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App connects blind & volunteers.
Be My Eyes is a free mobile application that connects visually-challenged individuals with sighted volunteers and professional support through live video chat. This easy-to-use app can help people with low-vision or blindness overcome daily obstacles such as reading instructions, distinguishing colors, navigating new surroundings, and checking expiry dates. The app has recently introduced a new feature called "Virtual Volunteer" that uses OpenAI's GPT-4 to provide instant identification, interpretation, and conversational visual assistance for various tasks through uploaded images.

Be My Eyes not only serves its primary purpose but also supports corporate volunteering by offering business solutions that promote inclusivity and accessibility. These solutions include virtual volunteering for employees and video support tools for CX teams. Be My Eyes is currently running a GoFundMe campaign to develop a wearable device that will provide hands-free video cameras to low-vision students worldwide for free.

Overall, Be My Eyes is an excellent tool that encourages social inclusivity, empowering individuals with visual impairments to lead more independent lives. It offers a valuable service that enhances the daily living experience of visually-challenged people.



Published March 14, 2023
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