
Task automation for browsers 1 users


Automated web browsing with text-based commands.
Introducing BrowseGPT - the ultimate Chrome extension powered by the latest artificial intelligence technology. Our tool uses OpenAI's GPT-3 model to automate your web browsing tasks seamlessly. With BrowseGPT, you can effortlessly issue commands such as "Find me a place to stay in Seattle on February 22nd" or "Buy a children's book on Amazon" and watch as the AI performs the task for you.

However, it's important to note that BrowseGPT is still in the experimental phase and should be used with caution. While our tool can be incredibly helpful, it may occasionally get stuck in a loop, click on the wrong thing, or navigate to a non-existent URL. We urge users to exercise caution when using BrowseGPT, especially when handling pages with sensitive information or where incorrect actions could have serious consequences.



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Published January 30, 2023
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