
Twitter posts review 0 users


Detection and revision of offensive tweets.
CanceledGPT is a powerful AI tool designed to assist Twitter users in identifying and modifying potentially offensive tweets on their profile. This tool allows users to easily search for any harmful or problematic language by simply entering their Twitter handle. With its trending searches feature and the ability to search within a specific date range, CanceledGPT provides users with comprehensive results.

If no toxic tweets are found, CanceledGPT congratulates the user. However, if a potentially harmful tweet is detected, users have the option to revise or delete the tweet. Additionally, the tool provides an option to expose a tweet which can be useful for those who want to hold themselves or others accountable for their behavior and language on social media.

CanceledGPT is an excellent tool for individuals who wish to maintain a positive online presence and take responsibility for their actions on social media. By utilizing this tool, users can ensure that their online content is free of offensive material, helping to enhance their reputation and credibility.



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Published March 20, 2023
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