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Track product KPIs and gain a comprehensive overview.
Cardinal is a powerful AI tool that offers a comprehensive overview of products to product teams. This innovative tool makes it easy to share key performance indicators (KPIs) across integrated systems like analytics, revenue, marketing, and operations, ensuring that product teams can work more collaboratively and creatively. By setting KPIs across teams and specifications, product teams can maintain consistency in their work.

With real-time visibility and discussion, Cardinal enables users to monitor work, KPIs, and progress across teams and projects. It helps product teams track their goals, automatically connect to various systems, learn, and visualize anything across everything, providing clarity across projects and teams. Cardinal empowers users to write freely and cleanly, use smart properties to work faster and more efficiently, and bring live data into specs.

Cardinal enables product teams to understand what's working and what isn't, and compare impact areas and initiatives, not just features. This tool supports integration with various data sources and services like Mixpanel, Tableau, Posthog, and more. Users can even submit an integration if they don't see their favorite one and join the beta program to access the product.

Overall, Cardinal is a valuable tool for product owners, builders, and leadership because it helps create a data-driven approach to product development, simplifying the process of stakeholder management and prioritization. Try Cardinal now to take your product development process to the next level!



Published February 9, 2023
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