
Music creation 0 users


Custom beats from analyzed patterns and trends.
Cassette AI is a state-of-the-art music production platform powered by artificial intelligence that enables users to create intricate beats from text descriptions. The platform utilizes advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze music patterns, styles, and trends, resulting in the generation of unique and high-quality beats. The user-friendly interface of Cassette AI allows users to customize their beats based on various parameters, including genre, mood, length, and instrumentation.

Users can keep their beats hidden on their profile until they are ready to export or share them, and all beats created using Cassette AI are royalty-free, with no ownership restrictions. With the help of Latent Diffusion models, Cassette AI can imagine beats using text descriptions, providing an unparalleled level of creativity to users.

Cassette AI places no limitations on beat creation, making it a limitless platform limited only by the user's imagination. In partnership with Polygon Studios, Cassette AI is building a bridge between NFTs and AR, enabling NFT enthusiasts and collectors to embark on a Particlon scavenger hunt worldwide and claim NFTs for free. The Pixl app can be used to scout for NFTs in AR, and LOSTBOY and Pixl have teamed up to create music NFTs for the entire community.

In summary, Cassette AI is an AI-driven music production platform that offers unparalleled creative freedom and a vast array of features that cater to every user's unique needs. The platform's collaboration with Polygon Studios and Pixl has brought the world of NFTs and AR to the forefront, further enhancing the user experience.



Published February 17, 2023
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