ChatGPT for Google Colab

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Conversational text generation in Google Colab.
Introducing ChatGPT for Google Colab - an innovative interface designed by Ali H. Kudeir for seamless integration of ChatGPT natural language processing tool with the Google Colab framework. ChatGPT is an advanced conversational AI model that generates text based on user input. With ChatGPT for Google Colab, users have access to an array of pre-made prompts and the ability to create custom prompts effortlessly. This powerful tool is available for download on the Chrome and Firefox web stores, while the source code is accessible on GitHub. Whether you're a professional or a beginner, ChatGPT for Google Colab is the perfect solution for adding ChatGPT to your projects on Google Colab swiftly and smoothly.



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Published February 11, 2023
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