Clip FM

Video shortening 0 users


Automated creation of social media videos. is an innovative AI tool that assists podcasters in creating short video clips for popular social media platforms like YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and TikTok. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, simplifies the editing process, saving podcasters time and money. The platform transcribes user-generated content and identifies the most compelling segments to create optimized clips that align with their content. 

With, users can choose from a variety of export options and customize their clips' appearance, overlay captions, and font colors. They can also adjust the clips' size and orientation to best suit their content. The starter plan provides up to 10 hours of content per month, generating clips that range from 50-100 seconds in length. 

As the AI learns over time, users can fine-tune their clips' start and end timestamps to create the most engaging content possible. plans to launch an affiliate program in Q1 2023, and the platform currently supports English language content with additional language support in the works. Overall, is a powerful tool that streamlines the process of creating high-quality video clips for social media, enabling podcasters to expand their reach and grow their audience.



Published November 5, 2022
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