
Video shortening 0 users


Make social media clips from YouTube videos quickly.
ClipMaker is an innovative AI-powered tool that facilitates the seamless creation of short video clips from YouTube videos for publishing on Instagram and TikTok. This cutting-edge software leverages artificial intelligence to help users save time and effortlessly create visually compelling video clips. With the availability of various templates, users can customize their clips by adding branding elements and maintaining consistency across their social media channels.

Furthermore, ClipMaker automatically adds subtitles to the clips, boosting engagement levels by up to 50%. With the tool's auto-schedule feature, users can create clips from new YouTube videos and schedule them on both TikTok and Instagram. These outstanding features make ClipMaker a must-have tool for social media enthusiasts who are looking to effortlessly grow their following on Instagram and TikTok.



Price Free + from $35/mo
Published July 29, 2022
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