
Coding 0 users


Assisted natural language programming.
CodeAssist is an innovative AI tool that offers a natural language chatbot interface for programming in Jetbrains IDEs and Visual Studio Code. This cutting-edge tool enables users to converse with the chatbot using natural language, just like they would talk to a human, while allowing it to see and make changes to the code in the editor.

One of the standout features of CodeAssist is its ability to generate code completion from a user's codebase, taking into account other files and functions/classes from other places in the codebase. This remarkable tool is compatible with all popular programming languages.

While CodeAssist does have certain limitations, such as occasionally providing incorrect answers and being slow when many users access it simultaneously, it provides a more concise answer than other chatbots, such as ChatGPT. It differentiates itself from GitHub Copilot by allowing users to talk to it and not attempting to hide standard completions from the IDE. Moreover, CodeAssist takes more time when generating code or a completion, but gives better results than Copilot.

CodeAssist sends the code that it works with to its API and OpenAI API, which process and store the code for one month. However, processed code is not stored on the server, and OpenAI only stores the code to provide and maintain its services, comply with applicable law, and enforce its policies.

Finally, CodeAssist is continually becoming more autonomous and capable, and users can stay informed of its improvements by submitting their email address. With CodeAssist, programming becomes more accessible and convenient, empowering developers to code with greater ease and efficiency.



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Published January 20, 2023
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