
Color palette generation 0 users


Creation of color palettes from keywords.
ColorMagic is an advanced color palette generator powered by artificial intelligence (AI) technology, designed to help users create personalized color palettes from a vast array of keywords. The tool boasts an extensive range of keywords, including nature-inspired terms like flower fields, autumn leaves, sunsets, and aquariums, as well as more abstract concepts like campfire, forest, cute, and romantic sunset.

With ColorMagic, generating a customized color palette is simple and effortless. Whether you are looking for youthful, energetic colors or more serene hues, ColorMagic has you covered. Plus, the tool offers convenient features such as a login function and access to essential policies, including terms of use and privacy policy. Try ColorMagic today and experience the power of AI for yourself!



Published January 28, 2023
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