
Resume analysis 0 users


Simplify hiring through objective resume analysis.
CVGrader is an innovative platform that leverages the power of artificial intelligence to simplify and enhance the recruitment process. With its comprehensive and objective approach, employers can quickly and accurately filter out irrelevant resumes and identify top-tier candidates in a streamlined manner. The platform also supports multi-language functionality, enabling employers to upload resumes and pose questions in any language. 

One of the key benefits of CVGrader is its ability to reuse existing pools of resumes for new positions, saving employers valuable time and effort. The platform's user-friendly interface makes it easy for employers to create new job positions, upload candidate resumes, and extract relevant position-related data. 

CVGrader is available in different plans to suit diverse business needs, and employers can try it for free before subscribing. With its advanced features, including AI analysis and direct contact with job seekers, CVGrader is a must-have tool for any business looking to enhance its recruitment process.



Price From $49/mo
Published January 11, 2023
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