
Music categorization 0 users


Finds and tags music with smart engine. is a cutting-edge AI-driven music search and tagging engine designed to help users unlock the full potential of their music collections. By listening to millions of songs and categorizing them in minutes, this innovative technology empowers users to easily deliver the perfect music content for any use case. With Cyanite, users can tag their music 60 times faster and reduce costs by 99.4% compared to manual tagging.

The Similarity Search feature utilizes advanced acoustic analysis to help users find songs in their collection that sound and feel similar to a reference track. Using hundreds of acoustic features, Cyanite AI identifies perfect matches in seconds. The revolutionary Keyword Search feature applies a dictionary of 1500 keywords to the user's catalog, allowing for easy filtering, combining, and weighting of keywords to find the best matches for sync briefs, sound branding projects, and more. This results in a faster and more intuitive music search experience.

Cyanite also offers personalized song recommendations based on both sound factors and personal preferences. This feature delivers targeted song recommendations to users quickly and easily. Additionally, Cyanite's data-driven graphical interfaces help users compare songs at a glance, while the Keyword Cleaning feature detects odd keyword combinations and erases tagging mistakes to boost catalog searchability.

Cyanite is highly customizable and can fit into endless use cases and scenarios. Users can register for free to experience the power of Cyanite in action. Unlock the full potential of your music collection with



Published September 3, 2021
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