Deep Nostalgia

Image animations 0 users


Animation of photos to replicate facial expressions.
MyHeritage Deep Nostalgia™ is a remarkable technology that breathes life into family photos by animating their faces. Utilizing advanced deep learning techniques, this innovative tool generates high-quality and realistic video images from static photographs. MyHeritage has developed a set of pre-created drivers to accurately reproduce the facial expressions and movements of the individuals captured in the photo. This procedure produces a brief video clip that can easily be shared with loved ones. Prior to animating the images, the photos are enhanced to achieve better results. This powerful technology can animate up to five faces in a single photo, with each driver accurately replicating the corresponding facial expressions and movements. The animation process takes only a few moments to complete, and the video clip is fully owned by the user, who can share it as they see fit. MyHeritage Deep Nostalgia™ is a fantastic tool that enables people to bring history to life.



Published April 21, 2021
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