
Podcast Q&A 0 users


Assisted podcast search and Q&A.
Dexa is an innovative AI-powered tool that enhances users' podcast experience. This platform allows podcast enthusiasts to effortlessly explore, search, and ask questions about their favorite shows. By signing in to Dexa, users can pose questions to AI bots sourced directly from their preferred podcast episodes. These AI assistants then tailor answers to the users' questions, providing sources to support their responses.

Dexa's intuitive search feature enables users to easily find relevant podcast episodes by keyword, topic, or guest, organized into digestible chapters. This tool also provides early access to popular shows such as Huberman Lab, Lex Fridman Podcast, The Jordan Harbinger Show, The Knowledge Project, Infinite Loops, and Found My Fitness. Users can even pose questions to Dr. Andrew Huberman AI, who can offer suggestions for daily morning routines, such as getting bright sunlight, exercising, and taking a cold shower.

Overall, Dexa revolutionizes the podcast listening experience, providing users with Personal AI Podcast Assistants to stay informed, save time, and explore the podcast universe like never before. With Dexa's AI-powered features, users can gain unique and personalized insights from their favorite podcasts, making it an excellent tool for podcast enthusiasts.



Published January 16, 2023
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