Digital Dogs

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Virtual pet companions for digital experiences.
Looking for a way to create and interact with virtual pets? The Digital Dogs™ software solution has got you covered! With advanced AI technologies such as natural language processing, image recognition, reinforcement learning, and conversational AI, Digital Dogs™ can mimic the cognitive abilities of real pets.

You can experience your favorite apps with your virtual pets at your side by using the Digital Dogs SDK. And with the ability to mint DNA vials, you can incubate and train your Digital Dogs, and then interact with them in immersive realities like metaverses, VR, AR, and social games.

The Digital Dogs team is composed of a full stack Solidity Developer, Concept 3D Artist, Game Designer, CG Supervisor, CEO, CTO, and CMO. What's more, The Digital Pets Company donates 1% of vial sales to GDA - Guide Dogs of America to fund the training of service dogs. Get started with Digital Dogs™ today!



Published July 20, 2022
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