
Speech to text 0 users


Reduced noise voice-to-text transcription.
EchoFox is a cutting-edge transcription tool powered by AI that converts voice memos into written text. With a 24/7 transcription assistant, users can rely on EchoFox to swiftly and precisely transcribe audio messages in multiple formats, such as ogg, mp3, wav, and more. The tool supports up to 98 languages and is optimized for English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, and Italian. By freeing users from the tedious task of transcribing, EchoFox empowers them to focus on their daily priorities.

EchoFox leverages state-of-the-art AI technology to deliver highly accurate transcriptions while keeping the user interface simple and intuitive. Its advanced noise reduction technology enables the tool to transcribe audio messages even in noisy environments. EchoFox seamlessly integrates with popular messaging apps, including Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Telegram, and others. Plus, EchoFox complies with industry regulations regarding data retention and deletion policies.

EchoFox offers flexible pricing options that cater to users' diverse budgetary needs, with pricing tiers to be released soon. In summary, EchoFox is an intelligent and efficient transcription tool that empowers users to focus on what matters most by accurately transcribing voice memos into text.



Published January 28, 2023
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