
Audio recording & transcription 0 users


Instant audio transcription without external help. is an AI transcription tool that lets users transcribe audio directly from their device microphone using 100% local processing. With, there's no need for external servers or an internet connection. You can easily download the tool from GitHub and access both the audio file and transcript later on. The transcription process requires your browser to load and initialize the transcription model, which may take a few minutes during the first use, while the model files (approximately 50mb) are downloaded and cached. The tool currently supports English transcription only, and it may ask for microphone access before starting the transcription process. is a secure and efficient way to transcribe audio recordings, especially for those who prioritize privacy and data security. By using client-side processing, your audio data remains safe within your device and doesn't travel to external servers or the cloud. Moreover, the tool's ability to download both the audio and transcript enhances its usability, ensuring that you can access your transcriptions whenever you need them.



Published April 4, 2023
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