Eventual AI

Business support 0 users


Refined business requirements and generated code.
EventualAi is a cutting-edge AI-powered tool that uses natural language processing to help businesses refine their requirements. It allows business leaders and engineers to take a declarative approach by working backward from problems and engaging with the tool to refine their use-cases. With eventualAi, businesses can define their requirements, and the tool uses AI to propose a solution that considers their goals, tenets, and policies. Using feedback from users, eventualAi generates code and implements the service, allowing for instant changes and quick iterations.

The goal of eventualAi is to simplify the process of developing and deploying services to the cloud by providing abstractions for distributed systems such as APIs, durable workflows, transactions, pub/sub, and more. With the autopilot mode, users can define their business goals, tenets, and policies, allowing eventualAutopilot to explore the business domain, suggest improvements, and implement new capabilities automatically.

Overall, eventualAi offers a groundbreaking approach to traditional service development and deployment by leveraging AI and natural language processing to increase efficiency and streamline the development process. It is an ideal tool for businesses looking to rapidly deliver solutions to the cloud while minimizing manual coding.



Published April 5, 2023
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