A user-friendly database interface to explore data.
Outerbase is a user-friendly database interface that allows effortless exploration and collaboration on data without any SQL knowledge required. Its features include an intuitive UI, in-line editing of SQL queries, and the ability to share queries with the rest of the team. Compatible with popular databases such as Postgres, MySQL, Redshift, Snowflake, SQLite, Microsoft SQL, and BigQuery, Outerbase can be conveniently downloaded as an app for Mac. With a GPT-3 Generated chart and dashboard generator, customizable chart types, and embeddable charts, Outerbase is a comprehensive tool for data visualization. Y Combinator backs Outerbase, which provides a free sign-up and demo. Whether creating, editing, saving, or visualizing data-driven decisions, Outerbase simplifies the process.
Website PriceFree + from $25/moPublishedFebruary 15, 2023Tags