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Compare non-fiction ideas from multiple sources.
Discover the innovative search platform, FINDSIGHT AI, which allows users to explore and compare key concepts from a vast collection of non-fiction works. This comprehensive reading engine facilitates easy navigation through connected topics and enables users to craft their own personalized learning journey. With FINDSIGHT AI, refine your search results using basic filters such as MENTION and REFERENCES, or take advantage of advanced AI-driven filters like STATE and ANSWER. 

The MENTION filter identifies sources based on the actual text, much like Google. The REFERENCES filter recommends named entities or concepts mentioned across various sources to fine-tune results. The DISCUSS filter operates similarly to REFERENCES but focuses on specific tags associated with a source. AI-driven filters STATE and ANSWER allow users to input their own claims, locate related claims for citation purposes, and discover statements that address a question, providing supporting data to help answer it.

In summary, FINDSIGHT AI is a powerful platform that enriches users' comprehension and knowledge of diverse subjects by investigating and contrasting ideas from multiple sources. Try it out today and see for yourself the benefits of this innovative search platform.



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Published April 14, 2023
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