
Skincare routine 0 users


Customized skincare suggestions for e-commerce.
Finiite AI is an advanced deep learning personalization software that empowers online retailers with intelligent AI-based product recommendations. With Finiite AI, online retailers can achieve a significant increase in sales conversions by up to 40% and set up the system within just 55 minutes. This powerful AI technology automatically recommends products to customers based on skin type/images and seamlessly integrates with leading web digital or mobile store applications such as Shopify, Bigcommerce, or Woocommerce.

Finiite AI leverages state-of-the-art image processing, virtual skin analysis, and consumer data insights to deliver exceptional customer engagement. As a cloud-based solution, Finiite AI offers flexible pricing and API usage, enabling businesses to scale effortlessly as they grow. Additionally, the API documentation provides a user-friendly guide with code samples, facilitating integration with any website in under 5 minutes. Invest in Finiite AI today and revolutionize your online retail business with the power of intelligent product recommendations.



Price From $55/mo
Published June 21, 2021
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