
Teaching tools 0 users


Digital platform for secure teaching & learning.
Fobizz Tools is a comprehensive digital suite created to assist both teachers and students in the classroom. This suite is equipped with a range of valuable tools and resources including online courses, live webinars, lesson material, and AI Assistants for Texts, Images, and Speech. Fobizz Tools aims to make the process of teaching and learning more efficient and secure.

With Fobizz Tools, users can create and share various content quickly and easily, such as multimedia teaching boards, worksheets, surveys, websites, video and audio recordings, screen recordings, word clouds, shorten links, share files, and generate QR codes. The suite is designed to be simple, data privacy-friendly, and secure, ensuring compliance with DSGVO regulations.

Fobizz Tools is entirely free to use, and users can register for an account to begin utilizing its features. By using Fobizz Tools, teachers and students can enhance their learning experience and increase their productivity in the classroom.



Published April 10, 2022
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