Formula Generator

Excel formulas 0 users


Simplified creation and understanding of Excel formulas.
Introducing FormulaGenerator, an advanced AI-powered toolkit that simplifies the process of creating and understanding complex Excel formulas and automations. Say goodbye to data problems with our one-stop solution that enables users to effortlessly generate Excel formulas, VBA automations, Regex, and SQL queries. With our user-friendly interface, generating Excel formulas has never been easier! All you need to do is enter text instructions and let our intuitive system take care of the rest. Our Explain Formula feature provides additional support to help users understand how a formula works and how to use it effectively. 

In addition, we offer a Google Sheets Add-on that makes it easy to generate formulas within spreadsheets and run formulas directly in cells. Our AnswersBot, powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT, provides quick and accurate step-by-step answers to any questions you may have about spreadsheets, formulas, and more. FormulaGenerator's AI-powered toolkit helps users save time and effort, making it an indispensable tool for any spreadsheet user. Start using FormulaGenerator today and revolutionize the way you work with data!



Published December 22, 2022
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