
Hate speech detection 0 users


Detection of hate speech and profanity in content.
Fuk.ai is an innovative and reliable hate speech and profanity detection tool that utilizes cutting-edge natural language processing technology. Developed by Oveit, a reputable software development company, this free tool uses multiple Transformer-based neural network architectures to analyze text and assess the likelihood of offensive language or discriminatory remarks. 

This user-friendly tool can be easily integrated into apps and websites to prevent the creation of content that may contain hate speech or profanity. Fuk.ai can be customized for specific use cases upon discussion with the Fuk.ai team, making it a valuable addition to content moderation systems.

Whether you need to analyze live chat comments, conduct research, or perform text analysis, Fuk.ai offers a comprehensive solution. Additionally, Fuk.ai offers an API for hate speech and profanity detection, allowing users to incorporate the tool into their own applications. When users call the API, they receive a probability score and hate speech indexes in the output.

In conclusion, Fuk.ai is an effective and free tool for detecting hate speech and profanity that can be seamlessly integrated into user-generated apps and websites. With its powerful natural language processing technology and customizable features, Fuk.ai is a valuable addition to content moderation systems.



Price Free
Published November 29, 2022
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