
Speech to text 0 users


Converts speech to text in real-time with high accuracy.
Gladia is a cutting-edge AI Knowledge Infrastructure platform that offers plug-and-play APIs to help users optimize their data. Its Speech-to-Text API Alpha is the latest addition to the platform and delivers real-time processing with an impressive Word Error Rate as low as 1%. The API is powered by Open AI's Whisper Models and has the capability to transcribe one hour of audio in just 10 seconds. Furthermore, the API is free to use and supports a staggering 99 languages.

Jean-Louis Queguiner, the Founder & CEO, leads Gladia, while Jonathan Soto, the Co-Founder & CTO, is responsible for its technology. With a Master's Degree in Symbolic AI, Queguiner created a chatbot that organizes, categorizes, and centralizes all AI applications into one store. On the other hand, Soto, a graduate of MIT with multiple academic papers under his belt, brings extensive technical expertise to Gladia.

Gladia provides comprehensive tutorials and documentation to assist users, as well as personalized onboarding calls with their team. They are dedicated to providing accessible and affordable APIs that do not compromise on quality. Choose Gladia to take your data processing to the next level.



Published January 26, 2022
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