
Video editing 0 users


Video editing for YouTube creators.
Gling is an innovative AI-powered video editing tool designed to streamline the workflow of YouTube creators. With its advanced machine learning algorithms, Gling can automatically recognize and eliminate silences, bad takes, and disfluencies from the raw upload, enabling creators to save time and improve their editing process.

With Gling, you can achieve a professionally edited video in just a few minutes. You can export the resulting edit as an XML timeline to various professional video editors or as an mp4 to any editor. Best of all, Gling offers a free editing service for your first video, and thereafter only charges $5 for every video edited.

While Gling currently only supports English videos, its creators are committed to expanding to other languages in the near future. Gling is incredibly easy to use and can help YouTube creators save time and effort while producing high-quality videos. So why not give Gling a try and take your video editing game to the next level?



Price Free
Published October 4, 2022
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