GPT Calculator

GPT calculator 0 users


Counting tokens and calculating costs for GPT.
Looking for an easy and accurate way to estimate the cost of generating responses using GPT models? Look no further than the GPT Calculator! This AI tool, created by developer Bilal Tahir, supports multiple models, including GPT-4, GPT-3.5, GPT-3 (Ada), and GPT-3 (Davinci). Simply input your prompt text, and the tool will calculate the required token count and provide an estimated cost based on the selected model. Whether you're budgeting, planning, or optimizing the use of GPT models, the GPT Calculator's user-friendly interface makes it a valuable resource for anyone working with these powerful tools. Access the GPT Calculator via the web or API for quick and accurate estimates of token count and cost.



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Published March 28, 2023
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