GPT For Sheets

Google Sheets 0 users


Cleans and writes data for Sheets and Docs.
Introducing GPT for Sheets™ and Docs™ - an innovative add-on that harnesses the power of AI technology from GPT-3, and seamlessly integrates it with Google Sheets™ and Docs™. With custom functions like =GPT and =GPT_LIST, you can easily generate accurate results in a single cell or list item per row, respectively. The possibilities of ChatGPT in documents are endless, allowing you to create engaging blog post ideas, write detailed paragraphs and procedures, organize and refine lists of names, addresses, emails, and companies, classify reviews with sentiment analysis or feature categorization, summarize reviews, translate content, and more. Additionally, you can experiment with various hyperparameters such as temperature, model, and maxTokens to fine-tune the results you receive. This add-on is free to use, but keep in mind that there are OpenAI API costs associated with it. Overall, users have given positive feedback on this product, as it offers a convenient way to efficiently extend and clean large datasets.



Published January 9, 2023
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