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Personalized & reliable search engine results.
Introducing Grep: The Innovative Search Engine that Delivers Trusted Results

Grep is a revolutionary search engine that aims to tackle the issue of untrustworthy search results inundated with AI-generated content. By allowing users to select a minimum of seven preferred websites, Grep constructs a four-degree connection network based on the user's selected websites, as well as the websites that link to them and beyond. If the minimum requirement of 70,000 websites is not met, Grep expands the network up to seven degrees of connection.

Grep's approach to personalized search results is unique, providing users with only high-quality and reliable information sourced from trusted networks, regardless of the saturation of SEO or AI-generated content. With Grep, users can trust the results they receive, ensuring they make informed decisions.

While still in early development, Grep's long-term vision is to become a new kind of social search engine, offering even more social features. By enabling users to connect with like-minded individuals, Grep has the potential to be the future of personalized, trusted search results.

To provide feedback, reach out to Grep on Twitter or Discord. Experience the power of Grep and enjoy trusted search results today.



Published August 25, 2022
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