GRID 2.0

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Analyzed data, collaborated, improved productivity.
GRID is an advanced AI tool that empowers its users to conduct interactive analysis, create visually stunning reports, and collaborate with ease. This cutting-edge tool enables users to make data-driven decisions quickly and effectively. Additionally, GRID leverages cookies to analyze website performance and provide personalized content. The tool categorizes cookies into four categories: necessary cookies, preference cookies, analytical cookies, and marketing cookies. Necessary cookies, which provide core functionality, are enabled by default and cannot be disabled. Preference cookies, on the other hand, enable the website to remember information and customize how it appears and behaves for each user. Analytical cookies gather and report usage information, helping to improve the website. Marketing cookies track visitors across websites to enable publishers to display relevant and engaging advertisements. Finally, other cookies remain uncategorized, and their purpose may be unknown. GRID also facilitates integration with other tools such as Notion, Airtable, and Slack.



Price Free + from $29/mo
Published January 23, 2023
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