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Real-time business insights and web searches for teams.
Groupthink is a powerful AI tool that seamlessly integrates with team chat platforms, providing instantaneous business insights and web search capabilities. With Groupthink, team members can effortlessly add AI analysts to their conversations, enabling real-time access to valuable insights into their team chat discussions.

What sets Groupthink apart is its cutting-edge web search engine, designed to provide accurate answers to questions that require web research, ensuring precision and reliability. Additionally, the platform enables teams to quickly access Google Analytics data, allowing them to identify and address issues, gain insights on website performance, and make informed, data-driven decisions.

For teams seeking to enhance their collaboration efforts and value real-time access to data-driven insights, Groupthink is the ideal solution. The platform empowers teams to ask questions and receive real-time answers based on accurate data, eliminating guesswork and assumptions. Groupthink is available for free and works seamlessly across a wide range of devices, including mobile browsers. Furthermore, a native iOS app is set to launch soon, making it even more accessible and convenient.

Overall, Groupthink is a valuable tool for businesses seeking quick, efficient, and useful data analysis, with the ultimate goal of making their team chat discussions more productive and effective with the help of AI.



Published March 9, 2023
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