Gym Genie

Fitness 0 users


Personalized workout routine generator.
Looking for an efficient and hassle-free way to create personalized workout routines? Look no further than GymGenie, the innovative AI tool powered by OpenAI. With GymGenie, users can easily generate custom workout routines in just seconds.

To get started with GymGenie, users simply need to select their fitness level, height, current weight, and goal weight, as well as how many days per week they plan to work out and where they will do their workout (gym or home). They will also be asked to select their top two gym goals, such as "lose weight" or "build muscle." Based on this data, GymGenie will create a tailored workout routine that meets the user's individual needs and goals.

To date, GymGenie has already generated 86 unique workout routines, making it a proven and effective tool for those looking to streamline their workout planning. Designed with ease of use in mind, GymGenie was created by Rolando and is powered by OpenAI, providing users with a reliable and efficient solution to their workout needs. Try GymGenie today and experience the benefits of a personalized workout routine without the hassle.



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Published January 30, 2023
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