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Automation of web tasks for time and cost efficiency.
HARPA AI is an innovative Chrome Extension and NoCode RPA platform designed to streamline web-based tasks and enhance productivity while saving both time and money. This platform employs a unique hybrid AI engine built on ChatGPT and Machine Learning, enabling it to perform a diverse range of functions. These include answering complex search queries with ease, summarizing web pages, extracting data, tracking product prices and stock availability, monitoring articles and legislation, and detecting changes in competitor sites.

One of the most impressive features of HARPA AI is that it runs locally in the browser without sending any data away, ensuring optimal speed and performance. Additionally, this platform is free to use, with the option of upgrading to a paid plan for more advanced ChatGPT queries. HARPA AI also supports a wide range of search engines, including Google, Baidu, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Brave, Yahoo, Naver, Yandex, Kagi, and Searx. The platform stores cookies for accessibility and security purposes and can be configured to only accept necessary cookies.

In summary, HARPA AI is a highly efficient and versatile automation tool that can help individuals and businesses alike to streamline their online activities and achieve better results. With its advanced AI engine and user-friendly interface, this platform is a must-have for anyone looking to save time and increase productivity in today's fast-paced digital world.



Published April 7, 2022
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