
Resume analysis 0 users


Automated and optimized recruitment process.
Looking for an AI-driven platform to simplify and streamline your hiring process? Look no further than HirelakeAI! Our platform offers a turnkey solution for onboarding qualified candidates quickly, thanks to our suite of advanced features.

With our AI-based JD match, you can quickly shortlist candidates that match your job description. We also offer resume extraction, psychometric test analysis, and audio and video interview capabilities, as well as code and data structure checking and technical interviews via AI-powered bots.

Our platform even predicts a candidate's probability of joining and offers communication skills checking, along with video matching of candidate profiles to job descriptions. Best of all, HirelakeAI is suitable for tech MNCs, small and medium enterprises, startups, and recruitment firms, and it integrates easily with existing HRMS systems without the need for paper or extra calls.

Sign up now for special access to new features and take your recruitment process to the next level with HirelakeAI!



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Published August 12, 2022
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