
Startup ideas 0 users


Startup idea generation based on user feedback.
IDEAS AI, powered by OpenAI's GPT-3, is a state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool that helps entrepreneurs, small business owners, and freelancers generate innovative startup ideas based on their feedback and preferences. The tool works by presenting users with a range of ideas, which they can either like or dislike. The AI model then uses this feedback to continuously improve and generate even more relevant ideas. 

With daily updates, IDEAS AI features the top ideas of the day, week, and month. From a digital booking platform to on-demand food delivery apps, and from a dating app connecting people for buying and selling sex to a social network for food lovers, this tool provides a broad range of ideas to choose from. Additionally, it offers tools for quickly building websites and buying and selling art on the blockchain. 

In summary, IDEAS AI is a powerful and innovative tool that utilizes AI technology to generate creative startup ideas based on user feedback. With its broad range of ideas and constant updates, this tool is an excellent resource for those looking to kickstart their entrepreneurial journey.



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Published March 20, 2022
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