
Character creation 0 users


A platform for creating believable digital characters.
Inworld AI offers a powerful platform for game developers and other digital experience creators to design lifelike and credible characters. With a range of SDKs and tools, Inworld AI enables developers to easily develop intelligent characters with unique personalities, emotions, and memories. Inworld AI leverages 20 machine learning and character AI models to simulate human gestures, speech, emotions, and memory, creating a truly immersive experience.

Using Inworld AI, developers can create AI characters in mere minutes and refine them through testing in a studio chat or virtual reality environment. Once refined, these characters can be deployed into games and virtual worlds using comprehensive packages designed specifically for popular engines like Unity and Unreal. Additionally, Inworld AI provides a Node.js SDK for developers to streamline the process further.

With Inworld AI, the possibilities for immersive digital experiences are endless. These AI-powered characters can remember users, interact naturally, and even express unique personalities. In short, Inworld AI is the ideal platform for developers looking to create truly lifelike and engaging digital characters.



Price $10/mo
Published November 8, 2021
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