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Automated chatbot that provides quick answers.
Kaila.ai is an innovative AI tool that utilizes generative AI to help both individuals and organizations efficiently find accurate answers to their questions without wasting time on searches. The AI tool can easily learn and organize a company's input text data and knowledge in just a few seconds, providing precise responses to any relevant query without any need for prior AI training. 

Kaila.ai works on deep neural networks, avoiding pre-defined decision trees and utilizing a no-code approach, making it a highly convenient tool. It also seamlessly integrates with popular knowledge bases such as Google Docs and Slack, allowing for automatic tracking of new changes to conversations or documents. 

This versatile AI tool can be used in various contexts, including product or service onboarding, customer support, employee support, call center operators' guidelines, and learning and education. The primary objective of Kaila.ai is to eliminate endless searching, enhancing information accessibility by providing highly relevant information at one touch, with minimal effort. 

Kaila.ai guarantees a human-like verbalized and factual answer, ensuring there are no errors in interpreting information. The privacy of Kaila.ai users is highly valued, and the tool provides detailed information on the use of cookies for enhancing browsing experiences, serving personalized ads or content, and analyzing traffic.



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Published March 8, 2023
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