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Aided product users via conversational support.
Alltius is an AI-based conversational assistance platform designed to enhance the user experience of software products. It offers a Slack assistant that can answer any question and a low-code help widget called KNO, which includes an in-product guide, companion, and enterprise documentation search. The platform is powered by OpenAI's GPT-3 model, which contains 800GB of data, and users can prioritize knowledge from specific sources. Additionally, KNO ensures the privacy of its users by securely storing all questions asked. The platform is free to use and can be installed on Slack in three simple steps. With a 50% month-on-month user growth and over 86% of returning users asking at least one query, Alltius has received positive feedback from its customers and shows the potential to surpass Google's Gong. Furthermore, users can train KNO on specific topics and test it as they please. The platform was developed by a team of engineers, data scientists, and designers.



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Published January 26, 2023
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