Know Why??

Movie and book summaries 0 users


Summarizes books, movies & TV shows on a platform.
Discover the power of KNOW WHY, a website that harnesses the OpenAI API to generate machine-generated content for books, movies, and TV shows. It's important to note that the summaries produced by KNOW WHY are not meant to replace the original content. Rather, they provide a convenient way to quickly gain insight into the plot, main characters, and themes of a work. Created by Mohit Mathur, the website is user-friendly and accessible. With just a title, you can get an overview of the work's main themes and ideas. KNOW WHY is ideal for those who want to save time, get a brief introduction to a book or movie before delving into it, or for those who need a quick summary due to time constraints. Overall, KNOW WHY is a helpful tool for anyone seeking a quick overview of a work's main themes and ideas without having to read or watch the entire work.



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Published March 2, 2023
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