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Modular components for faster product development.
Lightning AIP is a powerful and flexible open-source platform and framework created specifically to speed up the development of AI products. With a customizable library of modular components, it greatly reduces the time and cost associated with AI development.

This platform offers an easy-to-use interface for training and deploying AI models on the cloud, without having to worry about infrastructure costs or other technical issues. Additionally, Lightning AIP provides an array of optimization features, including auto-stop idle machines and access to over 50 different cloud machine types, which can save both time and money.

Lightning AIP also offers enterprise-level control, complete with simple consumer-level usability, giving users observability, monitoring, and advanced security features. Finally, the Muse App, which uses Lightning AIP's components, makes it easy to launch AI products quickly and efficiently, often in just a matter of days.



Price From $10
Published June 16, 2022
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