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Structured data processed for software development.
Marvin is a remarkable open-source library that enables the creation of AI-powered software with ease. It introduces an innovative concept of AI functions, which generates on-demand outputs through AI without the need for source code. These functions can work seamlessly with native data types and can be easily integrated into any codebase, eliminating the need for complex coding tasks such as entity extraction from web pages or database item categorization.

Marvin also offers more versatile bots that function as highly competent AI assistants, which can be assigned specific roles, personalities, and instructions. Software developers can use Marvin to add AI capabilities to their projects without starting from scratch. Marvin is an opinionated high-level library that seamlessly integrates AI tools into software development, and it is ideal for those who want to process structured data without needing traditional source code, integrate an AI assistant into their code, or deploy cutting-edge AI technology with confidence.

Marvin's AI prompts have been rigorously tested and refined for months of real-world use. The code is available on GitHub under an Apache 2.0 license, providing transparency and confidence in its use. Although Marvin does not provide full control of an AI, it's a powerful tool for building AI-powered applications that do not rely on traditional source code. Its convenience, flexibility, and ease of use are ideal for software developers looking to leverage AI's advantages in their work.



Published March 30, 2023
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