
Job interviews 0 users


Automated interview note-taking.
Metaview is an innovative AI-powered tool that streamlines the interview process for recruiters and interviewers by automating note-taking. It produces precise and succinct summaries of candidate responses, enabling recruiters to focus on the most critical aspects of the interaction. The platform integrates seamlessly with existing software such as GoodTime, Calendly, and video conferencing platforms, eliminating the need for additional tools. Metaview is specifically designed for recruiting and tailored to the intricacies of an interview. With customizable templates, users can structure notes to their exact requirements. The platform adheres to strict data privacy regulations, including GDPR and CCPA, and provides granular access controls for data retention and security, ensuring candidate data remains secure. Metaview is an AI-based tool that continuously learns from user feedback and data inputs, improving note-taking capabilities to provide more personalized and accurate insights for individual interviewers. Overall, Metaview is a highly efficient tool that saves time and enhances the interview process by providing comprehensive notes for recruiters and interviewers.



Price Free + from $25/user/mo
Published March 6, 2023
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