
Prototyping tool 0 users


Platform for creating interactive 3D environments.
Mirage is an innovative 3D canvas that leverages the power of AI to enable creative minds to design interactive 3D environments. With Mirage, users can effortlessly create 3D prototypes, thanks to its intuitive interface. Moreover, the platform features an AI-driven 3D search engine that helps users discover and interact with various 3D models.

Security and privacy are paramount when it comes to Mirage, as the platform adheres to all regulations pertaining to terms of service and privacy policy. As a result, users can rest easy knowing that their creations are protected.

Mirage provides an unparalleled way to bring creative ideas to life by facilitating the creation of interactive 3D environments. With its versatile features and capabilities, the possibilities are endless.



Published May 20, 2022
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