
Audio transcription 0 users


Transcribed audio for journalism and professionals.
Good Tape is an AI-powered transcription tool created specifically for journalists and other professionals who want to transcribe audio recordings with ease. It utilizes advanced speech recognition technology to convert spoken content, such as interviews and conversations, into text transcripts, regardless of the language or quality. With support for more than 90 languages, including popular ones like English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish, the Autodetect feature automatically detects the language spoken in the file and transcribes it accordingly. 

By using Good Tape, professionals can save time and effort by quickly obtaining accurate and dependable transcripts. The platform provides a secure transcription service that encrypts all data and files to ensure the highest level of privacy and security. Additionally, users can create a free account to transcribe up to 20 minutes of content, with the option to upgrade to longer transcripts depending on the chosen service package. The straightforward interface allows users to upload files and convert them into written texts within minutes. Choose Good Tape for an efficient and reliable transcription experience.



Published December 26, 2022
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